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  • COVER MARRIED. (Small amount of dried glue on spine of cover.)
  • Penguin appearance. 1st Batman sci-fi cover and story.

Cover art by Jim Mooney. "The Bird Cage Bandits!", art by Jim Mooney; Penguin is released from prison and he pretends to go straight by opening a bird store and giving away special birds to important people; Batman is suspicious of Penguin's activities and he decides to check upon the gifted birds; Soon, Batman and Robin discover that Penguin is using the bird cages he provided to carry bombs and other devices. Wheaties ad featuring Jerry Witte. "The Bandits of Tiny Town!", art by Jim Mooney; Some thugs from Gotham City are raiding and stealing Midget Town, a city populated by small people; Batman and Robin learn of the unfortunate events and they travel to the neighboring town to help out. Casey the Cop half-page by Henry Boltinoff. "The Score" text story by Bob Baker. "Batman, Interplanetary Policeman!", art by Jim Mooney; A Martian citizen has come to Earth to ask the assistance of Batman and Robin in order to defeat a vile emperor called Sax Gola; Batman and Robin are glad to help and they travel to Mars on the Martian's spaceship. Little Arthur one-page story by Phil Berube. 52 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.

Batman 41 CGC Qualified 1.8 Off-WH To WH COVER MARRIED

SKU: 4472545010
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