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Published Jun 1992 by Marvel.

X-Men, Bella Donna Boudreaux & Brood appearance. Story continued in X-Men #9

X-/Ghost Rider Crossover – Part 2 of 4 - " Blood Feud!" Guest-starring the X-Men. Written by Howard Mackie. Art by Ron Wagner and Mike Witherby. Story continued from X-Men (1991 1st Series) #8. In New Orleans, a black clad assassin kills Bernard le Branche. Ghost Rider arrives in New Orleans seeking Johnny Blaze's help in healing Dan Ketch, but ruminates on his lack of self-knowledge and the fragility of his tether to humanity. Outside the city, the X-Men, en route to prevent a bloody war between the Thieves' and Assassins' Guild, are pulled over by Deputy Sheriff. Wolverine and Jubilee subdue the deputy, while Cyclops and Gambit destroyed his car. While riding in through the citys alleyways, Ghost Rider witnesses the assassin's murder of another Guild thief and his pregnant wife. The assassin lures Ghost Rider underground where he is surrounded by Guild Assassins, who transform into Brood drones and restrain him. The X-Men reunite with Bella Donna Boudreaux and Rogue, who arrived ahead to perform recon. The X-Men and Bella Donna find the murdered Thief couple, but Wolverine's senses direct them to the assassins underground layer. The Brood then attacks the X-Men, who are horrified to see that one of the Brood has taking Ghost Rider as a host. Story continues in X-Men (1991 1st Series) #9. 32 pages, FC. Cover price $1.75.

Ghost Rider 26 CGC 9.8 WH

SKU: 4520971005
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