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Cover by Joe Kubert. Written by Robert Kanigher and Howard Liss. Art by Irv Novick and Jack Abel. General J.E.B. Stuart warns the Haunted Tank that history will repeat itself. Later, the Haunted Tank helps a Greek Tank Commander hold a pass against German tanks, similar to the Ancient Greek battle at Thermopylae, in "Battle Cry of a Dead Man!" by Robert Kanigher and Irv Novick. Starring the Haunted Tank, Jeb Stuart, Arch Asher, Rick Rawlins, Slim Stryker, General J.E.B. Stuart (ghost), Johnny Cloud, Big-Brother-in-the-Sky and Leonidas. Plus: "No Dream -- No Death!" by Howard Liss and Jack Abel. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.12.

GI Combat 116 VG/FN

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