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Published Apr 1965 by DC

1st solo GA Green Lantern in Silver Age. 1st SA appearance of Solomon Grundy. Origin of Hourman and Dr. Fate in text.

Cover by Murphy Anderson. 1st solo Golden Age Green Lantern in Silver Age (pre-dates Green Lantern 40), Doctor Fate, and Hourman star in "Solomon Grundy Goes on a Rampage!", script by Gardner Fox, art by Murphy Anderson; When Solomon Grundy last fought Green Lantern Alan Scott, Green Lantern encased Solomon Grundy in an emerald sphere prison floating above Earth; Years later, the sphere has now crash landed back on Earth, and Solomon Grundy has emerged to get his revenge on Green Lantern; Solomon Grundy instinctually heads back to his home of Slaughter Swamp, which at this point is bordering the Tyler Chemical Company plant; At the Tower of Fate, Kent Nelson is warned that there is trouble by his crystal ball; Seeing the source of the trouble to be Slaughter Swamp, Nelson becomes Dr. Fate; Hourman comes across Solomon Grundy in Slaughter Swamp; Hourman pops his Miraclo pill, then attacks Solomon Grundy. One-page text feature tells the origins of Dr. Fate and Hourman. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.12.

Showcase 55 CGC 6.0 OW to WH

SKU: 4506540017
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