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Cover by Murphy Anderson. 1st solo Golden Age Green Lantern in Silver Age (pre-dates Green Lantern 40), Doctor Fate, and Hourman star in "Solomon Grundy Goes on a Rampage!", script by Gardner Fox, art by Murphy Anderson; When Solomon Grundy last fought Green Lantern Alan Scott, Green Lantern encased Solomon Grundy in an emerald sphere prison floating above Earth; Years later, the sphere has now crash landed back on Earth, and Solomon Grundy has emerged to get his revenge on Green Lantern; Solomon Grundy instinctually heads back to his home of Slaughter Swamp, which at this point is bordering the Tyler Chemical Company plant; At the Tower of Fate, Kent Nelson is warned that there is trouble by his crystal ball; Seeing the source of the trouble to be Slaughter Swamp, Nelson becomes Dr. Fate; Hourman comes across Solomon Grundy in Slaughter Swamp; Hourman pops his Miraclo pill, then attacks Solomon Grundy. One-page text feature tells the origins of Dr. Fate and Hourman. 36 Pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.12.

Showcase 55 VG

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