Transformers robots are giant battling bots from the planet Cybertron. The Autobots and Decepticons traveled from Cybertron on their spaceships, the Ark and the Nemesis, in pursuit of the powerful Allspark. Each Transformers robot has 2 modes. They convert from robots to vehicles such as cars, trucks, jets, and tanks! Each bot has a special ability known as an Action Attack move; these signature attack moves activate in battle! In season one of the Cyberverse television series, Windblade helps Bumblebee connect to the Hivemind to recover his lost memories.
Experience the excitement of quick conversion with figures that change between modes in 1 easy step! (Each figure sold separately). Convert Megatron from tank to robot mode with 1 quick step that activates Megatron figure’s Fusion Mega Shot Action Attack move!
- 4.25-inch 1-Step Changer Megatron Action Attackers figure inspired by the Cyberverse animated series.
- imply convert the evil Decepticon Megatron to activate signature Fusion Mega Shot Action Attack move.
- Quickly convert Megatron from tank to robot mode in 1 easy step.
- Black and gray Megatron robot toy inspired by the tyrannical Decepticon leader from the Transformers Cyberverse cartoon, as seen on Cartoon Network and YouTube.